Elementary School
At RIS Rome, Elementary students are at the centre of the learning process, constructing knowledge, problem-solving, collaborating, reflecting and taking appropriate action. The IB Primary Years Programme offers an inquiry-based, trans-disciplinary approach to learning. It provides ideal preparation for the next stage in students' education.
The PYP encourages children to take responsibility for their own learning and builds their skills to become lifelong learners. The IB is committed to making sure that students in IB programmes meet and exceed local or national standards.* www.ibo.org.
The IB Primary Years Programme
The PYP encourages children to take responsibility for their own learning and builds their skills to become lifelong learners.
The IB is committed to making sure that students in IB programmes meet and exceed local or national standards.* www.ibo.org.
At RIS, your child:
- Develops a deep understanding of important concepts
- Conducts research into knowledge, which has local and global significance
- Acquires and practices a range of essential skills
- Is encouraged to develop positive attitudes towards learning, the environment and other people
- Has the opportunity for involvement in responsible action and social service
Students who complete the IB PYP at RIS will have established a personal set of values that will lay the foundation for international mindedness to develop and flourish.
What is trans-disciplinary learning?
The PYP is trans-disciplinary meaning students investigate big ideas supported and enriched by the traditional subject areas.
Students at RIS are instructed, in a trans-disciplinary way, in the following subjects: English, Italian, Mathematics, Science *, History *, Geography *, The Arts: Drama, Music, Visual Arts, PSPE (Personal, Social and Physical Education), Music, ICT.
*Science, History and Geography (Social Studies) are taught through units of inquiry as are the other subjects when appropriate.
More about Elementary School at RIS
School Day
08.50 to 15.35 | After-school activities.
The PYP Exhibition
- Students in the final year of the PYP (Year 6 at RIS), carry out an extended, in-depth, collaborative project known as the PYP exhibition.
- This involves students working collaboratively to conduct an in-depth inquiry into real life issues or problems. Students collectively synthesise all of the essential elements of the PYP in ways that can be shared with the whole school community.
- It also provides teachers with a powerful and authentic process for assessing student understanding.
- The exhibition represents a unique and significant opportunity for students to exhibit the attributes of the IB learner profile developed throughout their engagement with the PYP.
- It also provides the school community with a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the transition of learners to the next phase of their education. www.ibo.org
The transition to Middle School
- Our Middle School starts with Year 7 and students will be expected to show the relevant competences in English and Mathematics, in the form of oral and written assessment. Year 6 teachers will be consulted about all individual cases in good time during their final year of Elementary School.
- Students intending to follow the Middle School mainstream Italian programme leading to the Italian licenza media exam will also be expected to pass assessment tests in Italian.