Student Code of Conduct
All RIS students should exemplify the qualities of the RIS Student Code of Conduct.
At Rome International School we use our school Learning profile words as the guide to create a school code of conduct and standards of behavior. We exemplify the words in our daily interactions with others.
The school aims to develop in students a sense of personal responsibility and an understanding that we are responsible for our actions. We should treat students, teachers, school staff, parents, and other members of our school community with respect. Harmony and productive energy can be achieved when we work together, respect the rights of others, carry out our responsibilities, and treat each other with dignity.
We have the following expectations for you:
Learner Profile Attribute |
Expectations |
Reflective Respect Yourself |
Consider your actions to be the best you can be
Open-Minded Respect your world |
Make a difference in your community and in the world
Caring Respect your peers |
Make RIS a welcoming, kind place for everyone
Knowledgeable Respect your school |
Focus on your studies and be an excellent student