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Years 12 and 13 and some teachers gathered at the Colosseum on 21st Saturday to partake in World Cleanup Day celebrated a day before.
Students came ready to clean the Colosseum and Colle Oppio areas, everyone got involved in the activity and immediately realized that helping the city, and the environment could also be fun and rewarding.
It was a great start to the year to remind students that at RIS, an ECO school, we are committee to help the environment in any way we can, that any help counts and it was an occasion to reconnect with our city, our friends and get to know new classmates and to start doing CAS ( Creativity, Activity and Service) an integral part of the Ib.
Student's reflection
Student's Reflection 1
World Cleanup Day was a different experience than any I had participated in. Cleaning with my friends made me realize how important building a caring community is, and showed me that tasks can be done very efficiently with good communication. Thanks to this activity I am sure that I will be able to make more conscious decisions when it comes to protecting the environment. Seeing so much garbage around an important monument made me upset because such prestigious historic sites should be treated with the utmost respect, especially the Colosseum, as it is not only part of our history as a city, but it also is a huge tourist attraction, and it saddens me that visitors have to see the conditions it is kept in. I would participate in another clean-up day in November because I found the activity fun, and effective and I enjoyed the time with my friends.
Student's Reflection 2
Participating in the cleanup activity at the Colosseum for World Cleanup Day was a rewarding experience. Seeing so much litter around such an iconic monument was shocking, which made me realize how easily people neglect the importance of preserving historical sites. However, working with classmates and volunteers gave me a strong sense of community and purpose. This experience deepened my understanding of environmental responsibility and the impact of small actions. I would participate in another cleanup in November, knowing that each effort protects our environment and cultural heritage.
Student's reflection 3
Fue agradable contribuir a la limpieza del Coliseo. Recogimos una buena cantidad de basura que cubría uno de los monumentos más bellos del mundo. Me sentí orgullosa de lo que hice, de mi ciudad, limpia y más bella. Con esta iniciativa entendí que incluso un pequeño esfuerzo, si se hace en conjunto, puede marcar una gran diferencia. Es bonito imaginar tener un objetivo común, sencillo y eficaz, hacer del mundo, el único que tenemos, un lugar mejor, más limpio y respetado.
Sofia, Year 12
Ms. Orellana – Spanish Teacher
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