Welcome from Mrs Martin-Smith

Welcome to the Elementary School section, which is made up of the Early Years (2 to 4 years) and Elementary (5 to 11 years). Students from 3 – 11 years follow the International Baccalaureate's Primary Years Programme (PYP).

The PYP is a framework which enables our students to develop the skills needed in a rapidly changing world, plus the ability to transfer these skills to the new situations they will encounter throughout their lives. It aims to develop internationally-minded individuals who can help create a better and more peaceful world.

The PYP Units of Inquiry help students make connections between their own learning and the real world. The Learner Profile guides them to demonstrate that they are inquirers, thinkers, risk-takers and communicators, that they are knowledgeable, principled, caring, open-minded, well balanced and reflective. The IB Attitudes promote intercultural understanding, commitment, respect and a lifelong love of learning.

We stress the importance working in partnership with parents in providing a happy, caring and stimulating education experience. Our Home Learning policy provides our families with the ideal way of furthering the intellectual, creative, social and physical potential of their children beyond the school day.

I believe the strength of our school lies in the open relationship and cooperation between students, staff, parents and the wider RIS community. Your support of school initiatives and contributions is invaluable.

Mrs. Patricia Martin-Smith
Head of the Early Years & Elementary